Monday, October 21, 2013


Tis the season of Enchantment and I have been busy preparing for our annual Fright Night Halloween Party as well as decorating the house. My kids make fun of me because every nook and cranny is delightfully decorated. I wish I could leave it up all year...some of the pieces I just might!

One of my best friends passed away on Friday unexpectedly, which has put a damper on some of the festivities, but I am honoring him and his journey by making some spiritual gifts. I will post photos when I am done.

Friday was the Hunter's Moon and it was amazing! So round, orange and beautiful. I could feel its energy flowing, which was much needed on the day I lost part of my heart with Steve's passing. I wish I had a camera that could take photos of the moon that look as big as you can see it with the eye.

Every full moon, I always remember one of my favorite Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac songs.

 I remembered to put my crystals and stones out to cleanse them. It has been way too long and I'm sure they needed it.

Safe Journeys to my twin flame, Steve...forever in my heart and soul and painfully missed.

Here are some of the decorations we have on display this year. Happy Haunting!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Halloween approaches...or Samhain as some may call it...I go all out every year with a yard haunt, completely transformed interior and a big party. Each year I plan all the new props and crafts I want to do...and each year I run out of time because I can never get in the mood until about a month before because it is so darn hot here in the desert! I kick myself but I just can't muster the energy to work on things when its 110 at 10pm. So, this year I started working on the Booooook from Hocus Pocus. It's not done yet, but almost.

I used an old book and tore the pages out then sanded the cover and applied terracotta clay and tissue paper with mod podge. I used half a ping pong ball and a printable iris that I got online and made the eyeball. I used the clay to make the snakes and hand clasp but they keep crumbling and breaking so I'm looking for another way.

I can't wait to add printed pages from the movie book and display it on my Witch's Kitchen Rack with all my potions this year!

Saturday, September 29, 2012


Tonight is the perhaps the most famous moon of all...the Harvest Moon, used to describe the full moon closest to the start of Autumn. It will be an extra special show tonight with the full moon floating just above Uranus. They are calling this the "Super Harvest Moon", the first time in 2 decades where the sun will set at the same time the moon rises in a 360 degree show.

Even if you can't get outdoors to view, you can watch online at

Here in Arizona, Autumn is a reluctant visitor, often having to pry its way in among the heat and seering sun. Summer loves to hang on until the last possible moment here in the desert, so those of us Autumn children wait impatiently for the first signs of crisp mornings and turning leaves.

I have pulled out all of my Halloween and Fall decorations today and while sweating in 97 degree heat, I am doing the Autumn dance, dreaming of far away places where pumpkins and apple cidar are is a little feast for the senses for us desert dwellers as we wait....

What are your favorite fall memories? What is your favorite thing about autumn?

**I do not own any of the above images.

Monday, August 27, 2012


We've all heard the saying, "once in a blue moon". But what exactly is a blue moon and is it really blue? A blue moon is an extra full moon in the lunar cycle. Typically there are 12 full moons corresponding with the monthly lunar cycle. However, the solar calendar contains 11 more days than the lunar calendar so every two or three years, there is an extra full moon!

The full moon is a time of great power and energy and having an extra full moon is a great bonus! This month, we are graced with a second full moon on Aug 31st.

What a treat! An extra boost for energy working and infusing talismans and amulets. It's the perfect time to direct your energy toward the tasks that seem impossible or special wishes that need some extra umph. It couldn't happen at a better time. As we near Autumn and the summer season starts winding down, the extra full moon will give a boost of energy to finishing things before the cool starts to settle in and the leaves and plants begin their journey towards sleep. What will you do to celebrate the blue moon this Friday?
  • Make a list of the things you want to accomplish that seem impossible. Focus your intent during the blue moon on accomplishing these things
  • Write your wish(es) on a blue candle and burn the candle the night of the blue moon.
  • Recharge your stones or crystals in a bowl under the light of the blue moon.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Just when I was so excited to start my own blog and post regularly, life got the best of me and I became a busy bee! The holidays were hectic but I was so much more in the spirit this year. I really got into decorating, although I waited too long to start some of the wonderful projects I saw on fellow blogger's pages and will have to start sooner next year. I hope all of you had a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Warm Yule or Kwanzaa and that you had time to enjoy family and friends. The week between Christmas and New Years has always been a time for me to nourish my soul and journal, set my goals for the new year and reflect with gratitude on all the experiences from the past year. I will be doing just that this week and may post some inspiring quotes to bring us into 2012 with a glow of positive energy in hopes that everyone has a stellar new year! Namaste and Brightest Blessings!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Another Halloween has come and gone and this year, I was feeling a bit un-witchy for some reason. The weather here was a toasty 90 degrees and hard to get into the spirit. It seems that Halloween has been progressively pushed out of the holiday celebration list in Arizona. Hardly any trick or treaters, no decorations, schools are not allowed to celebrate and the little ones aren't even allowed to wear their costumes to school! It was a bit depressing and I let it get the best of me. I did not feel the magic and mystical spirits this Halloween and I was really upset about it. We did up our yard and got a lot of visitors and complements. We even had a little block party in front of our house and invited the entire neighborhood. Only 4 showed up. I have always said I need to move back east where I came from or find a place with 4 seasons that really does Halloween and Autumn some justice.